Cloud Wanderer


Altan has a multicultural background and wanders like the clouds in the sky. She is different from other people and goes looking for a home somewhere on Earth where she can be herself.

Only grandfather Balban Oras understands her, but he insists on keeping the old traditions. But on the banks of the vast eastern river Idel someone is waiting for her…

Sabira Stahlberg’s novel about a Burtas-Finnish girl who is seeking a way out of bullying and discrimination is a strong reading experience. Migration and integration are viewed from present-day and historical perspectives. The book was originally written parallel in Swedish and Finnish.

See also Swedish, Finnish, German and Bulgarian

Sabira Stahlberg: Cloud Wanderer

Colorit rf 2024

ISBN 978-952-7334-96-6

ISBN 978-952-7334-97-3 (e-book)