Category: Language

Easy-to-read inspiration

Easy-to-read inspiration

Easy-to-read books are increasingly popular in schools and homes today.
A book with tips and ideas for the use of Easy-to-read by a bestselling Easy Language author and scholar.

Multicoloured language

Multicoloured language

A book for all interested in or working with languages, learning and multilingualism and inspiration for creative language activities.

Multicoloured book

Multicoloured book

Easy to Read
A reader for all who work with integration or live in multicultural situations.
Easily understandable and thought-provoking texts can be used in language and integration courses.

Flower talk

Flower talk

Easy to Read
Welcome to the world of flowers. Each flower has its own meaning. Take a walk through scents, stories and colours!

Polyglotta Sabirica inglisch

Polyglotta Sabirica inglisch

English translation of Sabira Stahlberg’s multilingual Polyglotta sabirica.
This small but intense poetry book contains more than 30 languages.

Polyglotta Sabirica

Polyglotta Sabirica

A funny, attractive and thought-provoking collection of poetry in more than thirty languages by a multilingual author.