Category: Easy-to-read level 3

Easy-to-read inspiration

Easy-to-read inspiration

Easy-to-read books are increasingly popular in schools and homes today.
A book with tips and ideas for the use of Easy-to-read by a bestselling Easy Language author and scholar.

The palm and the spy

The palm and the spy

Easy to Read
A palm disappears in London.
It is rare and expensive.
When the palm is found in Berlin, questions arise and
the mystery deepens.

Philip and the spider

Philip and the spider

Easy to Read
There are rumours about
mould in Philip’s school.
Someone writes about it on the web. But no one knows who Victor Y is.
What is true and what is false? How can Philip check information?

Multicoloured book

Multicoloured book

Easy to Read
A reader for all who work with integration or live in multicultural situations.
Easily understandable and thought-provoking texts can be used in language and integration courses.

Catch the eye

Catch the eye

Easy to Read
In the future the centre knows and takes care of everything. But some people think it controls too much.

Fix the focus

Fix the focus

Easy to Read
In the future everybody carries special eyeglasses called plex. Suddenly the plex of four friends start exchanging information.
Secrets are being revealed…

The heart of the cook

The heart of the cook

Easy to Read
The heart beats faster, when the cook is in the kitchen. Yet not always one succeeds in the kitchen or in life.
A book about discoveries, experiences and food.

The key in the book

The key in the book

Easy to Read
A mysterious key is found in a book. When Bert steals it, he does not know that Elsa is following him. They find a dangerous secret connected with magic, death – and a treasure.